Thursday, December 22, 2005
Join in the Fight Against Suckiness

The Green Cross of North Carolina has spent many years in the fight against suckiness. Suckiness is sweeping the nation as we speak and it's up to all of us to support in the fight to wipe it out.
There are many ways to help. One way is to donate your spare change to the people who stand outside of Wal-Marts and Big Lots stores with the jingling bells. These are special representatives who are recovering from suckiness and have volunteered their time and energy to helping find a cure for others.
Another great way is to share testimonials that have to do with your thoughts and feeling about the suckiness of one "Jason" who is the poster child for suckiness and its detrimental effects on individuals and society as a whole. To share a testimonial simply contact the author of this blog by going into his profile on the side bar and click on email. Then share a brief introduction and why the fight againt suckiness is so important to you. Don't forget to express you condolences to Jason for sucking so bad. He needs to know that people are out there who know about his condition and are making an effort to help. Don't forget to attach a picture of yourself so Jason can see all the people who knows that he sucks. I will post each message that is sent on this Blog for all the world to see along with your picture. Tell your friends, but be selective becuase Adam doesn't need a lot of people acquiring his email address.
Thank you and God Bless