Wednesday, December 28, 2005
A New Combatant in the Fight for a Suck Free America

This is a new update in the fight against suckiness. Charles Shoffner from such films as "Law and Ordre: Judo Chop Unit" and "The Masked Mexican II" has pledged his support to the cause. He had this to say in response to my invitation.
"At this time, I would like to send my heartfelt condolences to the one and only Jason. the Green Cross has brought to my attention that you indeed suck to no end. How sad. I'm sure with enough support of those around you, you can overcome this most atrocious attribute you so terribly posess. "
You too can join in the fight. It's never too late to send a an email to Adam via his profile and extend the hand of non-suckiness to the less fortunate amoung us.
Thank you for your support.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Join in the Fight Against Suckiness

The Green Cross of North Carolina has spent many years in the fight against suckiness. Suckiness is sweeping the nation as we speak and it's up to all of us to support in the fight to wipe it out.
There are many ways to help. One way is to donate your spare change to the people who stand outside of Wal-Marts and Big Lots stores with the jingling bells. These are special representatives who are recovering from suckiness and have volunteered their time and energy to helping find a cure for others.
Another great way is to share testimonials that have to do with your thoughts and feeling about the suckiness of one "Jason" who is the poster child for suckiness and its detrimental effects on individuals and society as a whole. To share a testimonial simply contact the author of this blog by going into his profile on the side bar and click on email. Then share a brief introduction and why the fight againt suckiness is so important to you. Don't forget to express you condolences to Jason for sucking so bad. He needs to know that people are out there who know about his condition and are making an effort to help. Don't forget to attach a picture of yourself so Jason can see all the people who knows that he sucks. I will post each message that is sent on this Blog for all the world to see along with your picture. Tell your friends, but be selective becuase Adam doesn't need a lot of people acquiring his email address.
Thank you and God Bless
Thursday, December 15, 2005

Sometimes, if you listen real hard, you can hear Jason actually mentally admitting to his own sucktitude.
Donkey Balls

This is a picture of the Outlet where Jason does most of his sucking. I think it's somewhere down in Mexico.
ADA Massman

So it would appear that Jason has acquired a Lawyer to sue me for Libel. He even titled his own Blog after this lawyer as a way to suck up I suppose. Not just any lawyer. It's former Assistant District Attourney Jorge Massman or ADA Massoman for short. You may be familiar with his low class commercials where that insurance exec pees his pants after finding out that ADA Massman in representing the plaintif. Well he aint got nothing on me.
Everyone knows that ADA Massman plays pocket pool anyway.
Monday, December 12, 2005

Here's the guy that wishes to make the suckiness of Jason known.
Not often does one meet someone with such conviction and determination to the betterment of the world around him.
Saturday, December 10, 2005

This Blogg is dedicated to the suckiness of Jason Lewis. However, the suckiness is not his only note worthy feature. He is also very stinky, although he will graciouly inform any passer by that only his left armpit stinks. He has also recently been promoted to Regional Manager of "Fancy Pants R Us".