Thursday, March 30, 2006
Things that Jason Sucks Worse Than

A suction cup in a nice simple way to start out. It' s not too hard to suck worse than this.

A leech. These creatures used to suck more back when Will Wheaton found one on this ding dong in Stand by Me. Now they can be used for medical purposes so they suck slightly less.
Dracula. Now we're starting to get to some real suck-tastics. This guy steals all the ladies, seduces them, and bites them on the neck before he even gets to his suckin'.
This one sucks on so many levels. First of all, it's a TV that sucks. 2. It's about a vampire that sucks blood. 3. It's a spin off of another TV show that sucked that was adapted from a Movie that sucked even more. But still lacks the suckiness in comparison to Jason.
The Dyson Vaccum is the only vaccum that can claim to never lose its suckiness no matter how long you use it. It has a patented technology that keeps it's suckin and suckin. As with Jason, it does not require any other purchases to keep up the suck fest.
And finally we come to the Black Hole. Of all the things that suck, this one comes closest to the ultimate suck-dome that is Jason. A black hole is some kind of object in space that is so dense (or sucks so much) that not even light can escape from it's pull.
If you have any further ideas of things that Jason sucks worse than, feel free to leave a comment of send an email to the author.